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The Business Carbon Calculator is only available on desktop and laptop. Return to this page on your desktop or laptop to continue to the calculator.

A new way to calculate your ghg emissions

Hedgehog Carbon Platform

Hedgehog Carbon Platform is a powerful tool that helps businesses understand and track their carbon emissions. This is important for businesses looking to monitor organisational and corporate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and set emissions reduction targets. This carbon footprint tool is compliant with the GHG protocol. Go directly to the Hedgehog Carbon Platform or start learning all about Carbon Footprinting in our University.

Free version

With the free version of this Hedgehog Carbon Platform, you can calculate the CO2 footprint of scope 1, scope 2, and the emission sources ‘business travel’ and ‘employee commuting’ from scope 3.

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Premium version

The premium version is the same dashboard, only we calculate and add your own emission factor database. This unique feature makes this carbon calculator suitable to include any emission source in your value chain with a next level of detail compared to current CO2 calculators.

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Getting started

Clarity in your carbon emissions

Hedgehog Carbon Platform categorises your emissions into scope 1, 2, and 3. This categorisation is adopted from the GHG-Protocol. This structures your greenhouse gas emissions over time and location in the value chain, identifying the hotspots and the progress of your climate impact.

Scope 1 emissions are direct emissions from sources that are owned or controlled by an organisation, such as company-owned vehicles or boilers for heating.

Scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions from the use of direct energy sources. Think of electricity, steam, direct heating, or cooling.

Scope 3 emissions are indirect emissions that result from the activities of an organisation but are not under the direct control of the organisation. These emissions occur in the value chain, which includes both upstream and downstream emissions.

Activity based footprinting

More detail and precision = clarity in sustainability

Spend-based analysis is the method used by most carbon footprint calculators. It's the easiest method to measure and manage your carbon footprint, however this comes with a downside.

Spend-based analysis uses world-wide average GHG emissions per industry sector and translates this into your carbon footprint based on your expenditures. Hence, it views your organisation's impact based on global averages.

Activity-based footprinting method is the unique feature in the Hedgehog Carbon Calculator. We calculate emission factors of the actual activities in your value chain. In your dashboard environment, we build tailor-made databases for your organisation.

This creates the level of detail you need for the right insights to manage and report the climate impact of your business.

Get started

Just get started, no mandatory demo

Start sustainability with our free carbon calculator and dashboard today. With this version you can calculate easy emissions like business travel, office energy use, and fuel consumption of company vehicles. Contact our team if you are ready to upgrade to the level of detail you need for your sustainable business.

Your business carbon footprint

Monitoring dashboard

All your greenhouse gas emissions in one single overview. Completely tailor-made CO2-equivalent emissions database to your organisation. Zooming into different streams aligned with your sustainability ambition. Input data every month to monitor your organisation’s carbon emission progress.

Your carbon footprint calculator

Calculating your carbon impact with ease

The carbon footprint calculator is standardly linked to the UK and Dutch emissions databases. According to your needs, we build tailor-made databases so that you can monitor your climate impact with ease and with high quality insights. Custom-made databases can include material impacts, LCA results, product carbon footprint results, and any other specific emission sources, direct or embedded, unique for your value chain. 

top level overview

Gain insights in your highest emission sources

In the dashboard main overview, you’ll find a listing of your business's highest emission sources. You can find similar top 5 listings when zooming into a specific scope. This facilitates you to steer your carbon reduction strategy focusing on the lowest hanging fruits. Good insights and information contribute to effective management.

Carbon Calculator - A close up of the highest impact module

Scope 1, 2, and 3 overviews

Zooming into the different scopes of GHG emissions

From the main overview you can zoom into the different scopes. Per scope overview, you will find the same structure of the dashboard. This makes it easier to decently understand the insights. And that is the purpose of a carbon management dashboard.

Carbon Calculator - A close up of the scope selection module


Visualising your emission data over time

In the overview you will find data visualisation projecting your impact over time. Also per scope, you can find different forms of visualisations helping you to understand the composition of your carbon impact and where the GHG emission hotspots are located. We will continue to improve and develop our visualisations, so stay tuned!

Carbon Calculator - A close up of the stacked line diagram module
Coming soon

Log changes in impact on a monthly basis

By constantly updating your data, you can get a better view of the impact of changes in your company on your carbon emissions.

Coming soon

Create your own data visualisation

Are you ready to communicate your findings to the world? The carbon dashboard has a built-in data visualisation feature. Change the colours and add or remove text to create a perfect visual.

Usually, good things don't come free, but our carbon dashboard does!

Carbon Calculator University

Start learning about the Carbon Calculator.

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