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Our sustainable christmas gift (to the planet)

This year, we decided to go for a green gift; literally. To make the earth a greener place, we donated 300 trees to an amazing forest reserve in Ethiopia.

Merry Christmas to us all! And to our planet. This year, we decided to go for a green gift; literally. To make the earth a greener place, we donated 300 trees to an amazing forest reserve in Ethiopia; the Desa'a forest.

About the Desa'a Forest

The Desa'a Forest is one of Ethiopia's oldest remaining dry Afromontane forests. Over 26,000 people live here in poverty, relying on the forest for water, energy, and livestock feed. This ambitious project aims to restore and protect the dry Afromontane forests, bring water back to the region threatened by desertification, and lift rural communities out of extreme poverty.

Thanks to our partner Regreener.

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Head of Communications
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