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Life cycle assessment (LCA)of bollard renovation

The challenge

Gebr. Van Kessel is a modern construction company with a lot of experience in the field of infrastructure and civil engineering. They are a specialist in the field of repair, sealing, and preservation of concrete structures.

The company developed a unique technique to repair and restore these bollards, avoiding replacement. Gebr. van Kessel approached Hedgehog Company with the request to map the environmental impact of repairing bollards.

The approach

Hedgehog company assessed the environmental impact of the renovation technology with a life cycle assessment (LCA).  As a benchmark, the renovation is compared against original replacement of a bollard. 

The results

Gebr. Van Kessel now knows the exact impact of their renovation technique. Absolute and in comparison to the traditional approach. 

The renovation technique, BRL1706, has a much lower environmental impact over the entire life cycle. And when regarding CO2 impact, we found that the new renovation technology leads to 16 times less CO2 emission than with the traditional approach.

“The collaboration with the Hedgehog Company is excellent. They understand the question we have and communicate regularly with us about the progress. Also, they are flexible and adapt data based on new insights generated from discussions or new data delivered by supply chain stakeholders.”
Rob van den Boer
Technical Manager Specialism
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